Posted by Scientific Insights on Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Is A Person's Heart Is Difficult To Accept The Truth
For One Heart Truth Hard to Accept?
have a different way in accepting the truth. Some people with little gestures
and brief sentences could make it conscious. Most of the others is very
difficult, even though they had given thousands proposition and a clear
argument still does not make change. Granted this is not an easy matter.
Qur'an repeatedly alluded to two types of people with a very beautiful
description. Type whose hearts are airy and spacious and the type whose hearts
are narrow and rigid.
God said the following,
فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا
حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء
Allah wills will give him instructions, He enlarges his chest to (religion) of
Islam. And whoever God wants apostasy, Allah made more narrow chest tightness,
as if he were climbing the sky. "('am: 125)
أفمن شرح الله صدره للإسلام فهو على نور من ربه فويل للقاسية قلوبهم من
ذكر الله أولئك في ضلال مبين
if the people heart Allah has opened to (accept) Islam, so that he gets a light
from Allah, (equal to one hard-hearted)? Then woe to those whose hearts are
hardened to remember God. They are in manifest error. "( 22)
the question is, what causes a person to have open heart and easy to kindness?
And what makes a person has a heart that is narrow and rigid?
must be why. Lapangnya's heart and ease in understanding the truth one of them
because of the review, seek to know and approach the scholars and sages. As
well as purify themselves and away from sin, especially away from unclean food.
And of course there are other factors that make the heart easily touched by the
light of truth.
the heart is hard and stiff necessarily be caused by many sins. It could also
be because of frequent debate, bad friends, worshiped the world and menuhankan
lust. All that makes the heart narrow and difficult to accept the truth even
had real presence.
Ali once advised,
ما جفت الدموع إلا لقسوة القلوب, وما قست القلوب إلا لكثرة الذنوب
will not dry the tears except for the rigors of the heart and not be stubborn
but because of sin."
God enlarges our hearts to accept the truth and advice which leads us to