We Really Brothers?
of the teachings of the Qur'an that is often forgotten by the Muslims is the
concept of "brother". Though the Qur'an often stresses this fact in
many verses. Speaking Allah,
إنما المؤمنون إخوة فأصلحوا بين أخويكم واتقوا الله لعلكم ترحمون
the believers are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers (in
dispute) and keep your duty to Allah in order that ye may obtain mercy."
(QS.al-Hujurat: 10)
verse uses words that have meaning Innama Hashr (only), which indicates that a
believer to another believer is a brother, there is no other relationship.
if we look for verses that relate to the fraternity, we will discover how the
teachings of the Qur'an instill brotherhood so deeply. We'll find the message
in the following verse:
In matters Qishos.
Islam, a murderer will be sentenced to death, known as qishos law. However,
because it has a fellow believer fraternal relations then they open the door
for forgiveness.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم القصاص في القتلى الحر بالحر والعبد بالعبد
والأنثى بالأنثى فمن عفي له من أخيه شيء فاتباع بالمعروف وأداء إليه بإحسان
ye who believe! Prescribed for you (carry out) retribution respect of the
person killed. A free man with a free man, a slave to slaves, women with women.
But whoever obtain pardon from his brother, let him do it well, and pay blood
money (compensation) to him with either (too). "(QS.al-Baqarah: 178)
In associating with orphans.
ويسألونك عن اليتامى قل إصلاح لهم خير وإن تخالطوهم فإخوانكم
ask thee (Muhammad) concerning orphans. Say, "Improving their situation is
good!" And if you hang out with them, then they are your brothers.
"(QS.al-Baqarah: 220)
the end of this verse, we are taught to position the orphans as
"brother". So there is no difference in treatment between children
who have parents with them were orphans. Or among the poor by the rich. All are
treated the same as a "brother". Because the orphan from among the
Muslims is like a child of our siblings.
In keeping with the rights and honor.
ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا أيحب أحدكم أن يأكل لحم أخيه ميتا فكرهتموه
do not any of you are backbiting others. Are any of you who like to eat the
flesh of his brother dead? Of course you feel disgusted. "(QS.al-Hujurat:
Calling Muslims who talk about disgrace and do not keep honor others as a man
who was eating the carcass. Try to see how the Qur'an teaches us to safeguard
the rights and honor of our brother!
Do not forget the prayer.
ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان ولا تجعل في قلوبنا غلا
للذين آمنوا ربنا إنك رؤوف رحيم
Lord, forgive us and our brothers who have been faithful before us, and Thou
instill hatred in our hearts against those who believe. Our Lord, behold, thou
Most Forbearing, Most Merciful. "(QS.al-Hashr: 10)
the above four verses to show that the "brethren" were actually
brothers. Not only spoken in verbal but rankle. Because it was a brotherly
relationship attachments are not artificial. As noted in the Word of God
واذكروا نعمت الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعداء فألف بين قلوبكم فأصبحتم بنعمته
remember the favor of Allah unto you when you first hostile, then God Uniting
your hearts, so that by His grace you became brothers." (QS.Ali Imran:
وألف بين قلوبهم لو أنفقت ما في الأرض جميعا ما ألفت بين قلوبهم ولكن الله
ألف بينهم إنه عزيز حكيم
He (Allah) who Uniting their hearts (of the believers). Although you spend in
all the (wealth) which are in the earth, you could never unite their hearts,
but Allah has Uniting their hearts. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Wise.
"(QS.al-Anfal: 63)
between believers is so great pleasure that must be grateful. But now we will
be asking ourselves each.
we really brothers? Where is the sense of fraternity that? Why blaspheme each
other brothers? Mengkafirkan each other? And mutually shed blood?
not the Messenger of Allah said,
believers are brothers. Their blood is maintained. They are hands for others.
They are trying to protect (brother) is below. "
are brothers ! Really we brothers?
answer lies within each of us.