Posted by Scientific Insights on Monday, February 20, 2017
"Travel Package" Rasulullah SAW in Rajab Month
Ilham said in his Friday sermon at Jami Masjid An Nur Cibubur, without feeling
we've entered the month of Rajab of the year. Various events and events
continue to pass and go, filling every seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks
that we are.
conditions we've been through over the years, there is happiness that we
celebrate and there was sadness we feel, but we still have to live without
regret, we must always be optimistic, despite numerous obstacles continue to
squeeze and drain the faith.
of piety that is, the base of all the attitudes and decisions we face the
problems of the world, then let us continually improve our devotion to God
Almighty. Let us continue to grow trust, confident and obey various commands of
Allah as well as quickly as possible, as far as possible avoid the prohibitions
of Allah.
only with ketakwaanlah we can improve our quality of life. Takwa in the true
sense, not piety origin feel fear, but action is always reprehensible in the
eyes of Allah. Just as Rajab is the month Noble Allah SWT, then we must
necessarily glorify it in earnest.
SAW berdabda,
ألا إن الزمان قد استدار كهيئته يوم خلق الله السموات والأرض السنة اثنا
عشر شهرا منها أربعة حرم, ثلاثة متواليات ذو القعدة وذو الحجة والمحرم ورجب مضر بين
جمادى وشعبان. متفق عليه
is, "Behold the days play back its original shape at the time God created
the heavens and the earth. Within a year there are twelve months of which four
months are respected, including three consecutive months Dzulqaidah, Hijjah,
Muharram and Rajab Mudar, which is available between the months of Jumada and
Sha'ban Tsani Tsaniah. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim) ,
Hadith clearly shows, that the moon of Rajab is the month that glorified by
Allah SWT. So as a consequence of our devotion to God and our trust in the
Prophet, then surely we also glorify the month.
all the future we have to deal with faith and piety are abundant. Regardless of
any condition that has befallen us in times past, both old and new has
happened, that is still so fresh in our memories, but tomorrow remains a
yesterday we are very heavy and have difficulties in life, but that does not
mean we should be afraid to face the dawn tomorrow.
is, in fact teaches us that we definitely have plans Allah, one day we would be
grateful for a gift after various trials we feel.
Travel" Prophet in the month of Rajab is a great lesson for us that any
difficulties and obstacles in carrying out the mission of propaganda certainly
succeeded with the grace that makes our life more qualified. Continued…..