Posted by Scientific Insights on Sunday, February 19, 2017
Know Science Asbab An-Nuzul
Islamic world know the science asbab an-Nuzul, the science which deals with the causes of the decline in the Quranic verse. However, the scholars differ about this science.
There are scholars who say, in the Koran there are some verses revealed because of a problem (cause). For example, with regard to question friends about a problem, and there is also a form of reprimand or allusion to unbelievers. However, not all the verses of the Koran's no-Nuzul asbab her.
And, some are stated in the Koran's no science-Nuzul asbab this. The reason, the Koran has existed since time immemorial, which is stored in lawh al-mahfuz and gradually lowered to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. According to them, the verses of the Koran was revealed it was not for some reason, but it was already written before that.
Many scholars who explain the problem of late-Nuzul asbab this. Among them, Jalaluddin as-Suyuti in his book Lubab an-Nuqul fi asbab an-Nuzul and Al-Itqan fi 'Ulum Koran, Dr Subhi As-Salih in his book Mabahits fi Ulum Koran, Manna' al Qattan in his book Al-Itqan fi ' Ulum Qur'an, Sheikh Mahmud Syalthut, Ibn Hajar, and al-Wahidie.
It is not known for sure, when the rise of science discussion of late-Nuzul asbab this. It is estimated that, this term emerged since the end of the 4th century and early 5th AH. This is in line with the emergence of the discussion of interpretation of the Koran.
And, the first person believed to be a collector and menyistematisasi information and data are scattered in many writings on the Koran and the other is Ali bin Ahmad al-Wahidie (472 H / 1035 AD).
Famous book in this field is an-Nuzul asbab. The other person is Jalaluddin as-Suyuti (911/1050), Ibrahim al-Ja'fari (732/1331), and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (852/1448).