Is The Concept of Deity of Jesus is
a Political Settlement?
(Last Part of Who is Jesus? Part 7 of 7 Post Who Is Jesu
s?? - Out)
George Harrison of the Beatles
provides a summary of the rejection was a very sweet dg sentence
"When you" re young you
get taken to Church by your parents and you get pushed into religion at school.
They "re trying to put something into your mind. Obviously Because nobody
goes to Church and nobody Believes in God. Why? Because they haven" t
interpreted the Bible as it was intended. You "re taught just to have
faith, you don" t have to worry about it, just believe what we are telling
you. "# 99 (Christianity on Trial, Colin Chapman, page 37). (When you were
little, you were taken to the church by parents, and forced to perform religious
activities in school. they tried feeding things into your brain. Of course
because ill was no one who wanted to go to church and will trust in God. Why?
because they are morbidly mengitrepestasikan gospel sebagaiman supposed to be.
You just taught only to have faith, you will not have to worry about it, just
believe what we say to thee).
Dg this sentence George Harrison
really has opened up a very serious phenomenon. Many people who are now leaving
the church and religion, more due to the deliberate mistake in the translation
as fixative George Harrison than the denial of the existence of God. Jesus
cult, the adopted concept paddling church never taught by Jesus, is also the
main cause why the Jews refused to believe in Jesus as the Messiah (Savior)
which has been discussed pd sacred books ago. In the Book of the Old Testament
the Savior and the King of the Jews was a prophet who was sent to the
Israelites. He was a prophet sequential dg previous Prophets. Corrupted
original teaching which indeed merefleksinya yet this fact. It's beyond
different dg teachings of Abraham, Moses and David ( ".). But
unfortunately teachings Corrupted who taught the Church now, that a lot more to
the teachings of the Pope than Jesus, have made Christians are isolated from
the teaching of theology Jews. Trinity, the Incarnation (incarnation) God kpd
man, Resurrection and redemption, as well as other corrupt doctrines, has
distanced the Christian doctrine of the flow of the main teachings of the
Jewish scriptures.
A renowned atheist filosouf Sir Ayer
"Christianity is based on the
notion of vicarious atonement roomates shocks me not only intellectually but
morally. If I have a child I don" t Punish his brother for what he did,
and that is exactly what Christianity is based upon. "
Sir Ayer proceeds to show distaste
for God's massacre of the Jews throughout the Old Testament then he adds:
"Here you have your deity who
did all this, and then he said Suddenly," People are behaving badly, I am
going to transform myself into a human being and suffer vicariously. Sins have
to be atoned: for by a "sacrificial lamb". So Christ is supposed to
atone for the sins of other people that committed. The whole thing is not only
intellectually contemptible but thoroughly outrageous. "# 100 (The Case
against God, Gerald Priestland, page 18).
Due to the weakness of the argument
of the Christian doctrine TSB, then morbidly strange that Christian teachings
are always changing in the face of new challenges.
T. S. Elliot summarize this with a
very beautiful sentence:
"Christianity is always
adapting itself into something the which can be Believed." # 101 (The Myth
of God Incarnate, edited by John Hick, page IX). (Religion Christian always
adapt to changing himself thd something that can be trusted)
In conclusion, it seems quite clear
that the real Jesus as described by the Gospel, also known as Jesus, according
to history, is very different from the one taught by the teaching of the
Church. Ill never explained in the Gospel that Jesus is the incarnation of God in
the world. Never was also mentioned in the Gospel that Jesus claimed that only
through him is the only way of truth. Ill never also no evidence mentioned in
the Bible about the doctrine of atonement, as well as evidence about the
teachings of Jesus / ketuhananya beliefs about themselves.
Eventually, as the cover we see the
phrase of Jesus addressed to people who do not worship God, but instead idolize
and worship him
"No one has called me as God
will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but those who do what God wants for
mengerjakanya. When the Day of Judgment comes, many people will call me, god,
god! With your name we spoke sentence of God. Then I (Jesus) will say to them: I
never knew you, depart from me ye perverted! " (Matthew &: 21-23).
Wallahu'alam bishowwab