Posted by Scientific Insights on Wednesday, February 22, 2017
in the picture above is the volcano, which lies between the districts boyolali
and Semarang. No mountain or the impact of a giant plates that form the earth's
crust. more powerful slab slid down while the weak slab folded upward to form the
highlands and mountains
functions of the mountain, among others retaining shocks, channeling exhaust
geothermal power, soil fertility and other others.
Qur'an describes the functions of the mountains in a few verses of the Quran,
among others:
We have placed on the earth mountains firm lest it (not) shake with them, and
We made (also) on the earth streets wide, so that they are guided." (Surat
al-Anbiya: 31)
We not made the earth as an overlay ?, and the mountains as pegs?" (Surat
an-Naba ': 6-7).