Posted by Scientific Insights on Thursday, September 18, 2014
many people who are born in this world with have a different character. the character of someone of course be a hallmark of the man himself. but with a wide range of distinctive traits of character possessed by a person, there are still many people who have failed in battle to achieve success, and only a few that qualify as a winner or winners.
why so? even of course we know that all people must want to success, not failure.
that's right, everyone wants to success, and not failure. it's just that, which really does have the will to succeed is only a handful of people. many people want to success but when faced with an obstacle and hindrance, then they are desperate, they give up, they are a lot of reasons. these are the candidates who failed generation.
Successful people or the winner is the one who is willing and able to face the obstacles and impediments. they are fighting with his strong to gain success. and of course these people so few in number.
hi friend, We Were Born To Be a Fighter In The World, we compete for success, we fight for against all odds of life to achieve achieve a dream. therefore, be a strong person who was determined as strong as steel and excited as strong as storms.
author: firmanmeong
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