Posted by Scientific Insights on Thursday, September 25, 2014
in this life, we often see people with a variety of advantages that they have. they have the kinds of greatness that makes us proud of him. whereas when we see ourselves, often times we find many flaws. yes, that's right, only the deficits seen in us. we forget that we are actually also has its advantages and greatness. but we are blind, we are not able to see what greatness and advantages we have. we can only see the great man with the excess. but we blind to see our greatness and advantages.
whereas, the greatness and the excess does not belong to someone alone. advantages and greatness are own all people. anyone have it. it's just that, not everyone is able to dig it. not everyone is aware that he has greatness and advantages. even may the excess and greatness exceed the great people whom he admired.
therefore, let us strive to explore and discover our own strengths and greatness. sure, that we also have advantages and magnificence that are not owned by anyone else. keep digging, and keep trying until we find our greatness and real advantages. and the most important thing is not to stop trying though we find a difficult in finding the excess.
author: firmanmeong
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