Posted by Scientific Insights on Thursday, July 3, 2014
C. The Initial Period of Orientalism
1. Motivation Orientalism Early Period
There are many views of experts who pursue the study of Orientalism about division of periodization development. The division's most widely agreed upon and followed is periodization which includes three phases: first, the phase before the crusades and the heyday of Islam (650-1250), the second phase, the crusade period until the Enlightenment in Europe (1250-1500), and phase third, the European enlightenment to the present.
The first period is the emergence of the seeds of time studies of Orientalism by Westerners. At that time the Arabs with the advances which brought by Islam, has expanded his power to different areas until the plains regions of Europe. The regions which were conquered, then inhabited by the Arabs, in a wide variety of motives, primarily teach and propagate the Islamic religion, seeking a more viable livelihood or as well as representatives of the central government in implementing the laws and regulations of the Islamic Government. In line with it. The spirit of developing civilization of Islam, made the Islamic Government when it began building the pillars of civilization in many aspects; improve the scientific, economic, political, cultural and all other aspects of life. The Influence of the magnitude civilization also brought changes to the civilizations in the areas conquered by the Muslim rule at that time. Especially when Baghdad and Andalusia became the center of civilization and science. The magnitude of the influence of Arab culture can be seen from the number of European nations into a native Andalusian using Arabic in communication or in the field of academics. There are also noted there King of Europe who only know the Arabic alphabet, like Peter I and the King of Aragon. King Ronger I also made his palace as a place of philosophers, doctors and other experts from the various Islamic sciences. Similarly, in terms of dress; Sicilia Christian women emulate the dress of Muslim women.
In the field of science, the advancement of Islam greatly affect other countries in Europe. Many of the figures of countries such as France study in universities of Islam, even leaders of other religions such as Christianity, for example, Gerbert d'Aurillac who studied in Andalusia, he later became Pope in Rome from 999-1003 with the name Syilesverster.
What is more, at the classical time also Arabic be lesson in a variety of high European curriculum, such as in Bologna (Italy) in 1076, Chartres (France) in 1117, Oxford (UK) in 1167 and Paris in 1170. Came the first generation of translators such as Constantine africanus and Gerard Cremonia.
Based on the historical data, then concluded that the study of classical Orientalism period was caused by the mixing of the Islamic civilization to European civilization that it opens the gates to mutually review each other. So the basic purpose or motivation of the study of Orientalism when it is merely moved the science and philosophy of the Islamic world into Europe.
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